What is the National Network of Women in Mining (NNWM)?
The National Network of Women in Mining is a movement of women involved in the mining activity in Bolivia, created to bring them together and secure their recognition across the nation. It also aims to raise awareness of their demands, progress, suggestions, and knowledge to develop sustainable actions.

The network's primary goal is to bring together and consolidate our recognition as the women involved in the small mining industry of Bolivia. Also, to raise awareness of their demands and suggestions, progress, and knowledge to develop sustainable actions.
How do we do it?
Sinforosa Rodríguez, the network representative in Potosí
The network has shown that there are women in mining and there are many of us. It has given us strength. We're not crouching anymore. We are raising our heads now. It taught us about the Law No. 348 and to value women within organizations and cooperatives
The NNWM is divided into the National Coordinator and four working committees:

Do you want to be part of the NNWM?
We are looking for partners to expand our actions. Do you think your institution may contribute? Contact us.